The legal requirement to report on the gender pay gap has opened up a big opportunity for HR professionals to get their people strategies on the boardroom agenda, make their workplaces more inclusive and achieve their wider goals. It’s an important first step in highlighting inequalities that could be holding women and businesses back.

But the causes of the gender pay gap are deep-rooted and will take years to overcome. Some HR professionals may therefore feel they don’t have the power or influence to effect change. And some may be discouraged if they see the gaps getting wider or not closing quickly enough.  

So what can the people profession do? And what role does reporting play? 

Our report, Not just a number: lessons from the first year of gender pay gap reporting, shows that most organisations are taking their responsibility for reporting seriously. But some are struggling to provide an accurate picture of their gender pay gap and not enough are providing a meaningful narrative to explain their gap, or developing an action plan to close it.  

Download the research report to learn more about:

  • the HR profession’s experience of the first year of gender pay gap reporting.
  • the kind of steps some organisations are taking to close the gender pay gap.

Lessons from reporting the gender pay gap

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Explore our all our gender pay gap resources to help you:

  • get an accurate picture of your gender pay gap and what’s causing it
  • understand how to develop a strategic, evidence-based action plan to support gender equality in your organisation

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