The CIPD, in partnership with the Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA), commissioned YouGov to conduct a survey of employees working in the healthcare sector in the UK to find out their attitudes to working in the sector, the values in National Health Service organisations, trust within the health service, and culture change to improve patient care in the NHS.

The report, Employee Outlook: focus on culture change and patient care in the NHS, reinforces the message that ultimately what will improve patient care outcomes is a change in behaviour and organisational culture. This will depend on renewed clarity over organisational purpose and values, improved leadership from the top down to the front line to ensure that values are effectively role-modelled, greater engagement and consultation with employees and confidence among staff that they can challenge if they see something wrong. This is an HR agenda and presents a real opportunity for those in the HR profession to make a difference.

Download the report below

Employee Outlook: Focus on culture change and patient care in the NHS - Autumn 2013

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PDF document 2.5 MB

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