This information will help you understand your responsibilities as an apprentice and how you can work with your training provider, employer and the CIPD as the End Point Assessment Organisation during your apprenticeship.

Apprentice responsibilities

At Enrolment

What is my responsibility at enrolment?

  • Take ownership of your journey towards EPA at the beginning of the apprenticeship.
  • Sign an apprenticeship agreement and commitment statement with your employer and training provider.
  • Provide evidence of achievement for English and Maths at Level 2 or register for functional skills at Level 2.

On Programme

What is my responsibility on programme?

  • Ensure you understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours you’re required to learn and develop.
  • Stay on track with your learning and take part in progress reviews with your employer.
  • Know where to access the resources available to you and prepare for Gateway and End Point Assessment.

At Gateway

What is my responsibility at Gateway?

  • Attend a Gateway meeting with your training provider and employer.
  • Discuss occupational competence and readiness for End Point Assessment.
  • Ensure all the Gateway evidence has been completed, signed and submitted on SmartEPA.

During EPA

What is my responsibility during EPA?

  • Read the guidance provided and give yourself time to prepare for your EPA.
  • Make sure your assessment evidence is uploaded on CIPD EPA platform SmartEPA  by the deadline.
  • Ensure you test the link provided in your booking email before the day of EPA.

Frequently asked questions

View our FAQs for apprentices
PDF document 183.5 KB

End Point
Assessment resources

We've developed resources to support you with the End Point Assessment process. Access 'How to' guides, handy templates and policies for each apprenticeship level.

Callout Image
Employer responsibilities

As an employer you will work with the training provider to support the apprentice in the workplace and provide the opportunity for the apprentice to apply their knowledge, skills and behaviours on the job

Training provider responsibilities

As a training provider you will work with the employer and support the apprentice during the off-the-job training. You will provide opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours detailed in the standards

Costs and fees

Costs and fees related to apprenticeship programmes.