In the first session of our Anti-racism stays on the agenda webinar series, our panel of experts discuss creating more inclusive cultures, how the people profession can influence and educate senior leaders on anti-racism, and how to create safe spaces to talk about race at work.

Our panel of experts include:

  • Sharon Amesu, Leadership and Inclusion Strategist, SA Consulting
  • Peter Cheese, CEO, CIPD
  • Lorraine Martines, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Network Rail
  • Geoffrey Williams, I&D expert and founder GOW

Chaired by Katie Jacobs, Senior Stakeholder Lead, CIPD 

In this series


Getting to grips with ethnicity pay reporting

Anti-racism stays on the agenda: How can HRDs make a strong case for voluntary ethnicity pay reporting and secure senior leadership buy-in?


Effective employee networks

Setting up, supporting and developing effective employee resource groups on race


Ethnicity pay gap reporting

Ethnicity pay gap reporting and what it means for organisations

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