Good work matters to all of us – wherever we are and whatever we do. It demands consistency from government legislation and from industry’s response.  

Our team in Ireland harnesses the expertise of our professional community and our partners. We respond to the Irish government’s approach to employment policy and legislation. And we develop our research to provide insight into the workplace issues and practices affecting people professionals across Ireland.

What we’re working on

Our public policy priorities in Ireland include equality and inclusion, job quality and flexible work, labour market and skills, productivity, and people management. We collaborate with policy-makers to support them with the evidence and guidance they need to tackle these big issues.

Policy-makers and the media turn to us for an expert, impartial view on people, work and change. Our annual HR Practices survey reports how HR professionals drive positive change in how work is managed, valued and rewarded. And our most recent private sector pay and employment survey shows how challenges in employee retention are contributing to pay increases.

How we’re making progress

We influence public policy in Ireland in many ways. Through discussion with key stakeholders in government, business and public life. By responding to consultations. And by sharing our expert view in the media.

We can make the biggest difference when our policy recommendations are shaped by local partners and relevant to local needs. We do this by harnessing the insights of our professional community. And we host networking and learning events to share evidence and good practice.


HR practices in Ireland

The annual HR practices in Ireland survey helps you to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the profession

CIPD-IRN private sector pay and employment survey 2022

The CIPD/IRN Pay and Employment practices survey 2022 shows the fight to keep staff is contributing to pay increases

Read all our calls for action


How you can
get involved

Help us champion better work by joining our engagement forum.

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Who we’re working with in Ireland

Skillnet Ireland

The CIPD is the promoter of the Sustainable HRM Skillnet, a business network established to share good practices and to respond effectively to the specific skills needed to operate sustainable people management practices. Network companies come together to build knowledge, insights and skills of HR and business leaders to start the culture change journey and instil people practices that prioritise sustainability. This will incorporate expert input, learning from case studies and good practices to develop a sustainable HRM architecture, and deliver training interventions.

Find out who else we're working with to champion better work and working lives

Explore all our public policy partnerships


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and insights

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